CFP: Latin American Film & History (8/15/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Scott Baugh
contact email: 


Latin America Area
2006 Film & History Conference: ³The Documentary Tradition²
November 8th-12th, 2006
Dolce Conference Center, Dallas, TX

In her 1985 Screen article, ³Marginal Cinemas and Mainstream Critical
Theory,² Julianne Burton Carvajal argued persuasively that Latin American
cinema¹s aesthetics and production practices, falling outside the norms of
dominant cultural production, have remained largely ignored by ³mainstream
critical theory,² resulting in a ³dissociation² that has reflected the
³asymmetrical nature of cultural exchange² around the world and across the
Americas (4). Some two decades later, scholars of Latin American cinema must
consider whether enough has been done to remediate this ³critical
underdevelopment² and whether cinematic production and aesthetics still
reflect the world-system divisions. To what extent have new-media
technologies furthered or bridged these divides? To what extent can critical
examination of Latin American documentary shed light on these and equally
crucial issues? And , looking both forward and back in time, might these
issues influence the shapes of world film and Latin American film histories?

Please join the conversations this November 8th through the 12th at the
Dolce Center in Dallas, Texas, in the Latin American area during the 2006
Film & History conference. This year¹s conference theme is ³The Documentary
Tradition,² after Lewis Jacobs¹ classic reader. The ³documentary traditions²
of Latin American cinema are indeed rich and worthy of further examination
and discussion, as are the progressive innovations. All panel and paper
topics related to the histories of and surrounding Latin American
documentary are welcome.

**Deadline for proposals is August 15th, 2006.

Please send your queries or panel/paper proposals to:
Dr. Scott L. Baugh
Assistant Professor of Film/Media Studies
English Department
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

Email [preferred]:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jun 07 2006 - 11:25:13 EDT