CFP: The Flaw (8/15/06; 5/25/07-5/27/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Claire Sykes
contact email: 

Call for Papers for
An Interdisciplinary Conference on

The Flaw

Deadline : August 15th, 2006
Organizers : Agn=E8s Conacher and Catherine Dhavernas
Queen=92s University, Kingston, Canada

If the realm of the Ideal can have claims to perfection, that is, to =20
flawlessness, such is not the case for the realms of reality and =20
human nature, as the notion of progress suggests. Within the =20
perspective of progress, the flaw stands as that which brings about =20
failure; as that which must be overcome. Yet, as History has shown =20
us, the notion of progress =96 key to the Enlightenment =96 is today =20
nearing obsolescence, this being one of the most shattering problems =20
of our time.

This conference therefore proposes to try to rethink the flaw outside =20=

the context of the ideology of progress; to consider the flaw, not so =20=

much as something to be avoided or remedied but, rather, to consider =20
the flaw as a measure of our limitations. In other words, we wish to =20
suggest that to consider the flaw as something acceptable and, =20
perhaps, even essential, might lead to a sense of humility which, as =20
our past has shown us, has most often been lacking. We want to =20
explore how the flaw can help us to rethink our potential, not in =20
terms of mastery or domination, but within a more modest perspective =20
of hope.

Since the flaw pertains to all areas of study and investigation, we =20
welcome proposals from all disciplines.

The conference is scheduled to take place from May 25 to May 27, 2007.
Please send a 250 word proposal (including your name, title, area of =20
work, institutional affiliation and e-mail address) to Agn=E8s Conacher =20=

and/or Catherine Dhavernas :

via e-mail:
or regular mail :
c/o The Department of French Studies
Queen=92s University
Kingston, Ontario Canada
K7L 3N6
tel. 613-533-2090

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Received on Wed Jun 07 2006 - 11:24:18 EDT
