CFP: Delivering the Story: The Canons of Rhetoric (12/1/06; 2/23/07)
Delivering the Story: The Canons of Rhetoric
***Open to faculty, graduates, and undergraduates***
The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area
Texas A&M University-Commerce
February 23, 2007
The Rhetoric Symposium is now accepting proposals for papers and panels
dealing with contemporary issues of the five canons of rhetoric--invention,
arrangement, style, memory, delivery—which we define broadly to incorporate
a wide variety of research interests.
We welcome submissions from all areas including but not limited to: Rhetoric
and Composition, English, Journalism, Political Science, Education, History,
Film Studies, Media Studies, Art, Psychology, and Sociology.
Suggestions of possible areas of interest:
Critical Theory
Rhetoric & Technology
Composition & Rhetoric
Creative Writing
Science Fiction
Writing Center Theory & Practice
Basic Writing
Academia/Professional Issues
Rhetoric & Philosophy
ESL & Composition
Pop Culture
Film Studies
Rhetoric of Mass Media
Literary Studies
Computers and Writing
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kathleen Blake Yancey of Florida State
University. Her research interests include Composition Theory and Writing
Assessment, especially Portfolio Assessment. Dr. Blake Yancey is the author
of several significant works including her latest book Delivering College
Composition: The Fifth Canon. She is a Professor and Director of the
graduate program in Rhetoric and Composition at FSU. She also co-founded
the journal Assessing Writing and co-founded and co-directs the National
Research Coalition on Electronic Portfolios.
*Deadline for Submission of 250-Word Abstract (electronic format preferred):
December 1, 2006.
*Individual and Panel Proposals Welcome
Please send all inquiries to:
or via USPS
Rhetoric Symposium
c/o Elise Flanagan
Department of Literature and Languages
PO Box 3011
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Commerce, TX 75429-3011
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jun 15 2006 - 07:46:19 EDT