CFP: Mark Twain Circle/American Humor Studies Association Quadrennial Conference (10/15/06; 12/7/06-12/10/06)

full name / name of organization: 
American Humor
contact email: 

NOTE: I am posting this CFP on behalf of the Mark Twain Circle of
America and the American Humor Studies Association. Please send
proposals and other inquiries to the addresses specified in the body of
this message; please do not send them to the originating address of
this CFP.--Joe Alvarez
American Humor Studies Association/Mark Twain Circle of America
Quadrennial Conference, December 7-10, 2006, New Orleans, LA.

The American Humor Studies Association and The Mark Twain Circle of
America offer this joint conference as a way to combine our often
interlocking studies of humor. Our effort is always to bring together
scholars from around the world who are interested in researching
American humor and/or Mark Twain. Every effort is made to subvert the
traditional "conference paper;" and round table discussions,
performance pieces, or other non-traditional methods of presentation
are encouraged. We also encourage panels and/or round tables that
combine Twain Studies and humor studies.

Send 150-250 word abstracts by October 15. For Mark Twain topics send
abstracts to Ann Ryan <>; for American humor topics
send abstracts to Janice McIntire-Strasburg

Possible Twain topics might include, but are not limited to:
* Mark Twain Among the Literary Comedians
* Mark Twain and His Muses
* Mark Twain and Political Satire
* Mark Twain and the Urban Frontier
* Mark Twain, Horror, and the Gothic South

Possible American Humor topics might include, but are not limited to:
* Ethnography, methods, theories or scholarly resources in the study of
American Humor
* Round table on teaching humor
* Humor in multimedia settings (film, television, internet, fax, email,
* Ethnic or gendered humor
* Humor in cartoons or graphic novels
* Stand up comedy, jokes, or joke telling in social settings
* Humor magazines or records
* Connections between past and present-day social or political humor

This conference will be held at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans
French Quarter. For hotel information, please see the American Humor
Studies Association web site <> or the Hotel
Monteleone's web site <> for further
information. When making hotel reservations, be sure to mention that
you are attending the Mark Twain Circle/American Humor Studies
Conference so that you will receive our conference rate at the hotel,
which is a substantial discount.

For conference registration information and a downloadable registration
form, go to the American Humor Studies Association web site

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jun 15 2006 - 08:20:25 EDT
