CFP: American Poetry in the 1950s: At the Boundary of the Postmodern? (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Grieve-Carlson, Gary
contact email: 

CFP: American Poetry in the 1950s: At the Boundary of the Postmodern?
(9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)


Call for papers for the Northeast Modern Language Association meeting in
Baltimore, March 1-4, 2007


American Poetry in the 1950s: At the Boundary of the Postmodern?


In 1951 Charles Olson tells Robert Creeley that "we are now 'post' the
modern," yet few would agree that American poetry was entirely =
after 1951. The 1950s saw the later work of Frost, Stevens, Moore, and
Williams, the emergence of Lowell, Bishop, Wilbur, Roethke, and Rich, as =
as the beginnings of such innovative "schools" as Black Mountain, Beat, =
York, Confessional, and Deep Image. Papers that explore the =
rivalries, influences, claims, and counter-claims of the poetics of that
decade will be considered.


Accepted panelists must be or become members of NEMLA by November 2006 =
order to present at the conference.


Please send proposals (500 words maximum) by September 15, 2006.


Gary Grieve-Carlson

Dept of English

Lebanon Valley College

Annville, PA 17003


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Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 18:27:13 EDT