CFP: Circuses & Circus Culture (10/31/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)
The Thirty-Seventh Annual Convention of
The Popular Culture Association &
The American Culture Association will take place
April 4-7, 2007
Boston Marriott Copley Plaza
110 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
This will be the eleventh meeting of the Popular Culture Association
Circuses and Circus Culture interest group. We invite papers that
explore the past and present of circus as literature, art, craft and a
unique form of popular culture. Circus, a continuously evolving tradition
of live entertainment, lends itself to scholarship from many perspectives.
Some previous papers:
--The Jack London Club: The Circus and the Birth of the Animal
Rights Movement
--Dan Rice, 19th Century Circus, Twentieth Century Myth
--Historic Themes in Ringing Brothers Spectacles
--West Meets East: The Western Impact on Traditional Chinese Circus
--The Savage East in the Wild West: Buffalo Bill's Reenactment
of the Boxer Uprising
--Circus Related Crime and Deviance
--Images of Female Circus Performers in Painting and Popular Culture
--Sacred Play: A Seeker's Guide to the Circus
Our panels have been diverse and fascinating. We invite you to join us.
Send a fifty word abstract of your paper by October 31, 2006 to PCA
Circuses and Circus Culture Chair:
Robert Sugarman
P.O. Box 407
Shaftsbury, VT 05262
Phone: (802) 447-7179
FAX: (802) 447-2611
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 18:26:31 EDT