CFP: Exhibition (7/25/06; Film & History, 11/08/06-11/12/06)
2006 Film and History League Conference
"The Documentary Tradition" Dallas 8-12 November 2006
AREA: Exhibition
While much has been written about the documentary, we still know
comparatively little about where many were shown, the context(s) of their
reception, and the venues and exhibitors that booked them.
>From movie palaces to newsreel theaters to art house cinemas to less
traditional venues, documentaries have been exhibited in a host of public
and private spaces. They have also had a prolific existence on television,
on home video, and distributed and exhibited on the Internet.
Filmmakers such as Robert Greenwald have also jumped on the recent
day-and-date craze by simultaneously releasing films such as "Wal-Mart: The
High Cost of Low Price" in theaters and on DVD.
This area seeks panels and individual submissions on all aspects of
documentary exhibition, including but definitely not limited to:
- Venues for documentary exhibition (movie theaters, film festivals,
military bases, museums, galleries, and other spaces)
- Home exhibition
- Itinerant exhibitors
- Documentary exhibition in specific cities, regions or countries
- Exhibition of documentaries in specific time periods
- Distribution, marketing, exhibition and/or reception histories of
individual films
- Home video and video on demand
- Audiences
- Spectatorship
- Contemporary exhibition of documentaries
- And much more ...
Please send proposals (200 to 400 words) and inquiries via email to:
Ross Melnick
Director of the Collection
Museum of the Moving Image
35 Avenue at 36 Street
Astoria, New York 11106 or
Deadline for submission is July 25, 2006.
The Film and History League conference details can be found at The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the
Dolce Conference Center near the DFW airport. A spectrum of other areas will
evolve on the web site over time.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 18:26:55 EDT