CFP: Images of War - War of Images (10/31/06; 3/23/07-3/24/07)

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If the Enlightenment fostereCALL FOR PAPERS NEW TESTd the ideal of a state
of perpetual peace (Kant), the Anglo-Saxon world constituted itself through
and by warfare. Even now, British and American soldiers are fighting side by
side on various battlefields round the world, to defend liberty and
democracy, concepts derived from the founding documents of their two nations
(Bill of Rights).
The colloquium organized by CRELA (tre de Recherche et d'études sur les
écritures de langue anglaise. Center of Studies and Research on
Anglo-American Literature) on March 23 & 24, 2007 at the University of Nice
Sophia-Antipolis will focus on the issue of war representation, its
manipulation and distorsion. Can a valid representation of war be effected?
The papers will examine issues in many different fields. War images may at
the same time trigger scenes of horror and paradoxically attain sublimity.
Does aesthetics necessarily clash with ethics when the normalcy or
"exceptionality" of warfare is under scrutiny?
The object of this colloquium will therefore be to examine the relationships
between representation and propaganda. Re-creating a historic event entails
taking sides. War films or documentaries will circulate ideological, social
and cultural issues. They may assume different modes of representation:
-realistic (documentary techniques embedded in fiction, blatant realism
aimed at ensnaring the spectator etc.)
-lyrical and/or symbolic (Terence Mallick, Francis Ford Coppola)
-metaphoric (previous wars highlighting present conflicts)
-respectul or iconoclastic (remakes and/or pastiche)
>From information to denunciation, the proposed papers should address issues
related to the relationship between history and image, politics and
aesthetics. The issues discussed may be treated in papers on literary works
as well as on films.
Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes, plus 15 minutes discussion.
Proposals should be addressed by email, with a short bio, to or to by October, 31, 2006
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Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 19:17:22 EDT