CFP: Reading in Yoruba (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

full name / name of organization: 
menoukha case
contact email: 

Call for Papers
  Reading in Yoruba
  38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
  March 1-4, 2007
  Baltimore, Maryland
  Between Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s Signifying Monkey, Toni Morrison's Playing in the Dark, and Valerie Lee's Granny Midwives and Black Women Writers, literary criticism has arisen that acknowledges occluded "Africanist presence" and offers theoretical approaches grounded in alternative schemata. A body of work is building in Yoruba schemata; for example, Gates' reading through the figure Eshu and Teresa N. Washington's Our Mothers, Our Powers, Our Text: Manifestations of Aje in Africana Literature, which reads through Aje, the 'powerful mothers'. This proposal calls for Yoruba readings of literary texts and conversations about theories and methodologies suggested by this trajectory in criticism.
  Please send 300 word abstracts with A/V requirements (if any) to by September 15, 2006
  Menoukha Case
  University at Albany
  Humanities 363
  1400 Washington Avenue
  Albany NY 12222

Menoukha Case
PhD Candidate
University at Albany
English and Women's Studies
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany New York 12222 (no bulk mailings accepted) (bulk mailings accepted)

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." --Arundhati Roy
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Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 18:27:04 EDT
