CFP: Studies in Popular Culture (ongoing; journal)
Under the new editorship of Rhonda V. Wilcox, Studies in Popular
Culture continues its nearly thirty-year tradition of inviting
submission of articles on popular culture from the perspective of any
academic discipline: literature, religion, music, anthropology,
statistics, film, television, radio, graphic arts, history, sociology,
communications, linguistics, and more. The journal welcomes study of all
types of popular culture: stand-up comedy; television, film, radio
programs; food studies; fandom; audiences; artifacts; architecture; body
studies; events; advertising; detective/mystery novels; science fiction
stories; gaming; comic books; graphic novels; Saturday morning cartoons;
magazines; musical artists; the changing distribution of music and
television texts; or any other aspect or incarnation of popular culture.
The journal also continues its tradition of displaying the variety of
popular culture studies, with essays that celebrate and essays that
critique popular culture (and many that do both).
The journal is published by the Popular Culture Association in
the South and welcomes studies of popular culture related to the South,
but submission subjects and contributors are not limited to the South.
Contributors have submitted work from around the U.S. and the world at
Submissions that the editor deems appropriate for the journal
will be given double blind peer review. Under the new editorship,
greater variation in length will be allowed, with preference for essays
that total (including notes and bibliography) no more than 25 pages in
double-spaced size 12 font. Most essays run 18 to 22 pages. Variations
in style and authorial voice are also accepted; the journal will not
enforce a house style. However, writing for Studies in Popular Culture
should not use jargon as a crutch. MLA documentation is preferred, but
the author may choose to use the documentation appropriate to his or her
discipline. The cover letter (i.e., the email message) should identify
the documentation style used.
Submissions should be sent to the editor ( in
the form of a Microsoft Word attachment. The documentation (notes,
bibliography, etc.) should be sent as part of the same document
containing the essay. The file name should include the author's last
name and the letters SPC: for example, the file might be labeled
Wilcox.SPC. (The editor will remove the author's name before sending the
essay out for review.) Illustrations should be sent as separate,
individual attachments. Authors are responsible for obtaining the
appropriate permissions for illustrations and any other relevant
copyright permissions. The editor reserves the right to make stylistic
changes on accepted manuscripts.
Studies in Popular Culture's next issue will begin its 29th
volume, and the journal continues to be published in hard copy; however,
journal issues may also be viewed at The site
includes the cumulative index for Studies in Popular Culture; Studies in
Popular Culture is also indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.
A final note: if you have something you really want to say about
popular culture but have been unsure of finding an academic niche for
your work, Studies in Popular Culture may be the place for you. You will
find that we respect the work of our academic predecessors but are open
to new scholarly explorations.
Rhonda V. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Gordon College
Barnesville, GA 30204
Editor, Studies in Popular Culture
Coeditor, Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
Coeditor/Founding Editor, Critical Studies in Television
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 26 2006 - 18:26:49 EDT