CFP: A Matter of Conscience: Guilt, Salvation, and the 18th-century Self (9/15/06; ASECS, 3/22/07-3/25/07)
"A Matter of Conscience: Guilt, Salvation, and the
Self in the Eighteenth Century"
We are looking for three papers to present on a panel
titled "A Matter of Conscience: Guilt, Salvation, and
the Self in the Eighteenth Century" for the American
Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS)
Conference in Atlanta, GA March 22-25, 2007.
The "conscience" is at the center of some of the most
important theoretical issues of eighteenth-century
political theory, jurisprudence, and theology.
Implicated in questions of sin and guilt, innocence
and salvation, and the boundary between the public and
private, the "conscience" served as a cornerstone in
the construction of new forms of selfhood. The aim of
this panel is to historicize the category of
conscience in two ways. First, it will explore the
ways that the conscience was defined within a range of
eighteenth-century discourses – literary, political,
judicial, theological, psychological. Second, it will
also invite papers that move beyond iterations and
explanations of the theoretical category by offering a
social history of the conscience. Specifically, we
want to invite papers that explore whether and how the
theoretical category was put into practice by both
institutions of authority and ordinary people in their
everyday lives.
Deadline for proposals: September 15, 2006
Please send proposals to:
Duane Corpis
Department of History
Cornell University
450 McGraw Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601
(607) 255-8862
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:12:40 EDT