CFP: Cityscapes: Town and Country in the Medieval Imagination (UK) (7/31/06; Leeds, 7/9/07-7/12/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Malte Urban
contact email: 

The effect of cityscapes on the creative imagination has in recent years
become one of the countless concerns of contemporary cultural criticism, but
surprisingly little attention has been paid to the medieval roots of the
perception of urban environments. Building upon the considerable recent work
on the city in the Middle Ages, this session aims to address this critical
vacuum by bringing together papers that discuss the relationship of town and
country in the medieval imagination. Can we sustain a belief in an ultimate
and insurmountable otherness of the medieval imagination or are the medieval
and postmodern views of cityscapes in fact two sides of the same coin? I
welcome abstracts of papers that address the medieval perception of
cityscapes, both from within the city and from the countryside, and that
assess the position of the study of the medieval city within the wider
disciplinary discourse in literature, history and related fields.

Please send abstracts of up 200 words for 20 minute papers, preferably as MS
Word attachment, to before July 31st 2006 or by post to:

Malte Urban
Department of English Literature
University of Wales, Hugh Owen Building
Penglais, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DY

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:14:41 EDT
