CFP: Contemporary Urban Cinema (8/1/06; SCMS, 3/8/07-3/11/07)
Submissions are sought for a panel entitled "Empty City Space in
Contemporary Cinema" at the 2007 Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Conference in Chicago (March 8-11, 2007).
From the depopulated urban vistas of Fritz Lang's
"Metropolis" (1927) to the vacant Times Square of Cameron Crowe's
"Vanilla Sky" (2001), images of empty or deserted cities have been a
recurring motif of the urban uncanny in cinema from the silent era
onwards. Seeking to address the broader significance of the urban
uncanny in contemporary culture, this panel invites papers on
representations, theorizations, constructions, and imaginations of
empty city space in recent film (including cinematic images of
depopulated, abandoned, ruined, vanished, and otherwise
defamiliarized city spaces). Papers that engage innovatively and
accessibly with current thinking in cultural theory and urban studies
are particularly welcome.
Please email 300 word abstract, together with a short CV, by 1 August
2006 to: Christoph Lindner (, Department of English,
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL, 60115, USA.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:15:35 EDT