CFP: Food: Representation, Ideology and Politics (India) (8/31/06; 11/16/06-11/18/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Rimi B. Chatterjee

Deadline added:

Three Day Seminar on
Department of English, Jadavpur University
Kolkata, India
Deadline 31 August 2006
Conf.Dates 16-18 November 2006

The Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of
English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, is
organizing a three-day seminar titled Food:
Representation, Ideology And Politics on 16, 17 and 18
November, 2006.
Food is a central part of our lives. However, in all
cultures food has always represented more than just a
means of survival. Sharing food, eating salt, breaking
bread, raising a toast, picnics in the wild, formal
dinners, all have certain ideological, political and
social significances. Some foods are taboo, designated
filthy or circumscribed. Some foods are endowed with
holiness or endow the eater with purity.
Foods have also triggered colonial expansionism. The
Spice Route was one of the earliest trade networks.
Revolts and revolutions have been sparked by the
absence of food. Marie Antoinette's famous comment
advising the peasants to eat cake began a new era in
world history, while wars have been lost because of
hungry soldiers.
Globalisation and consumer cultures have added new
dimensions to the act of eating in restaurants and the
kinds of cuisine available in various parts of the
world, while brands like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Coca
Cola or Pepsi have often been the targets of
anti-imperialist protests in India and elsewhere.
The representation of food, eating practices, last
suppers, and other aspects of food culture has also
been central to many texts.
Abstracts are invited for this seminar. They should
not be longer that 500 words and may be sent by
electronic mail to the addresses given below or to

Food: Representation, Ideology And Politics,
CAS Coordinator,
Department of English,
Jadavpur University,
Kolkata 700 032, India

Themes may include, but are not necessarily limited

· Representations of Food and Eating Practices in
· Cross-cultural Exchanges in the Area of Food
· Food as a Marker in Defining Identity
· Representation of Political or Social Movements
Related to Food
· Food in Popular Culture
· The Gendering of Food-related Practices

Nilanjana Gupta
Amlan Dasgupta
Rimi B. Chatterjee

Dr Rimi B. Chatterjee
Department of English
Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700 032

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Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:12:37 EDT