CFP: Neglected Southern Writers/Raymond Andrews (10/15/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Emily Wright
contact email: 

CALL FOR PAPERS, 19TH SOUTHERN WRITERS SYMPOSIUM, February 23-24, 2007, METHODIST COLLEGE, FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FEATURED SPEAKER: TRUDIER HARRIS. The theme of the next Southern Writers Symposium will be NEGLECTED SOUTHERN WRITERS. We invite papers and panels describing the works of little-known southern writers and exploring their relationship to the southern literary canon.
A special focus of the Symposium will be the writings of RAYMOND ANDREWS. We especially solicit papers exploring this author and his works: Appalachee Red, Rosiebelle Lee Wildcat Tennessee, Baby Sweet's, The Last Radio Baby, and Jessie and Jesus and Cousin Claire. Papers and panels exploring any aspect of Andrews's life and/or writing are welcome. Publication opportunities for selected papers on Andrews will be sought. Abstracts will be due by October 15. A second call for papers will follow in August. For further information or to place your name on the mailing list, contact Emily Wright, Department of English and Writing, Methodist College, 5400 Ramsey St., Fayetteville, NC, 28311. Phone: 910-630-7551. Email:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:12:13 EDT
