CFP: Save As...: Digital Memories (8/31/06; collection)

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Edited Collection


Edited by Anna Reading (London South Bank University), Joanne
Garde-Hansen (University of Gloucestershire and Andrew Hoskins (Swansea

This co-edited book aims to address how digital media are changing the
languages, forms and practices of memory. The book explores how digital
media technologies such as the World Wide Web, mobile video phone,
personal computer, digital archives and video games may be
rearticulating discourses of memory, memory prosthetics and the
practices associated with commemorating, recalling and memorialising the
past. Articles in the book will include original, trans-cultural and
international research and may critically synthesize and seek to extend
theoretical material from the disciplines of anthropology, cultural
studies, geography, history, holocaust studies, psychology, philosophy,
sociology, media studies, museum studies, and psychoanalysis. The book
seeks to be an accessible but scholarly critique aimed at level 2 & 3
undergraduates and MA level postgraduate students on a growing number of
courses/modules in memory studies from within a variety of disciplines.=20


We require abstracts for chapters of 200 words plus a biography for one
of the following sections. We strongly encourage submissions from non-UK
scholars or on non-UK themes. DEADLINE AUGUST 31st 2006 to Anna Reading,


Part One: Digital Memory Discourses (section editor Andrew Hoskins)

This section traces the growing public, academic, and mediated
discursive contestations of a past that seems increasingly
interdependent upon digital media, for its survival in the present.
Contributions will map the shifting modes and media of documentation and
later representation of the past, against discourses on that past.
Abstract proposals for this section can include (but are not restricted
to) the following topics/themes:

Digital media as memory 'schema', Digital media ecologies, Personal vs.
public memory discourses, Virtual spaces, biographies, Institutional
memory, News narratives, Journalistic testimonies, Visual media
'templates', Photojournalism


Part Two: Digital Memory Forms (section editor Anna Reading)

This section addresses how digital, mobile and interactive media
environments are providing new media forms and prosthetics for personal
and public memories in different cultural contexts. The contributions
will address the extent to which the impact of digital media on forms of
memory is important to a reworking of the theoretical understandings of
time and space in relation to mediated commemorating, remembering,
witnessing and forgetting in post-industrial 21st century societies.
Abstract proposals for this section could include new research on the
past in relation to digital media forms and environments such as history
in video games, the digital mobile family album; sound and music
sampling; digital diaries and blogs.


Part Three: Digital Memory Practices (section editor Joanne

History from below is now mediated through digital storytelling,
weblogs, personal journalism, online reunion sites, personal digital
collections, digital memory mapping, as well as peer to peer networks. A
number of theoretical implications now arise as personal memories
intersect with 'memory institutions'; concerning editing, organization,
interpretation, visibility, accessibility, archivability, permanency,
corruptibility, obsolescence, and future use. This section addresses
such implications for our understanding of mediated memory, history and

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Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:12:28 EDT