CFP: Sublime Teaching: Teaching as/through sublime (dis)identification (12/31/06; journal issue)
Special Issue: Romantic Pedagogy Commons
Sublime Teaching: Teaching as/through sublime (dis)identification
Guest Editor: J. Jennifer Jones
Proposals are invited for a new volume of the Romantic Pedagogy
Commons on the sublime as pedagogical theory:
In the twenty-first century, notions of immersion associated with
virtuality and digital technology are significant to discourse on
aesthetic experience, the term "immersion" having, according to some,
entirely superceded that of the sublime. In the face of
computer-generated virtual reality, we might define the term
immersion as the collapse of critical distance between the subject
and object of the gaze. With that in mind, what kind of scene of
instruction is built into the sublime experience, or is it
antithetical to the teaching paradigm? Consider Socrates's dialogues,
for instance. The great ones may be 90 percent about instruction
(they are seminars), but then there is the 10 percent in which he
soars out of the dialogue into sublime myth-telling. In those
moments, does he actually instruct, or is something else happening
that leaves his students behind except possibly through a kind of
identification/transference with the role of the
teacher-who-leaves-his-students-in-the-dust? And how does all this
sort with the notion of application? Can there be an applied sublime?
Are "applied" and "immersive" the same, or related, in this context?
Is there not just a transcendental but an immersive sublimity? Is
there a contrast between transcendental and immersive teaching
methods of sublimity?
You are invited to submit an essay proposal (with title and 500-word
abstract) on the concept of teaching as sublime or on some other
aspect of teaching and the sublime. Essays for this volume may vary
in length from 3,000 to 10,000 words, and you should indicate the
proposed length of your submission. Please submit your proposal to
Jennifer Jones by December 31, 2006.
The online format of the Commons can accommodate publications which
include resources such as sample syllabi, lesson plans, links to
handouts, primary reading texts, or in-class exercises, web pages or
samples of web-based student activities, full-color illustrations and
designs, sound files, digital video, and so on. If you plan to use
these kinds of elements, please include comments about your plans to
do so in your proposal. If you'd like to see examples of what's
possible in this medium, you might take a look at the Romantic
Circles Praxis volumes:
<<>>, or the
"Innovations" or "Ecology" issues of Romantic Pedagogy Commons,
All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Romantic Circles editorial
staff will adapt the code and design of essays and materials to site
standards, so submissions may be in MS Word or HTML format. Final
essays (and permissions) will need to be submitted to Jennifer Jones
as e-mail attachments by April 1, 2007.
submit your proposal to J. Jennifer Jones <>. If
you have questions about the proposed volume, or wish to discuss
possible topics, please contact the editor:
J. Jennifer Jones
University of Rhode Island
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:13:12 EDT