CFP: Telling Bodies: Practices, Discourses, Looks (Spain) (11/30/06; 3/26/07-3/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Sara Martin
contact email: 

*First International Conference "Body and Textuality"
Telling Bodies: Practices, Discourses, Looks
*Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
26-30 March, 2007

The body is in the 21st century everything but a certainty, a condition
which raises an infinite number of questions. How do we inhabit the body
that we are/have? How does the body present itself and represent us, and
to what extent? How does it become legible and intelligible? What does
the body say? What can it say, what can't it say? About who or what? How
may I influence what the body I am/have says or represents? Does my body
belong to me, or do I belong to it? Is this a relationship of belonging,
or rather of participation without belonging? What power does my body
have? Which are the categories that make it visible? What is the body?

These questions invite us to consider both the relationship of our
bodies with the discourses that constitute them and the texts that
articulate the body's social and political potential. This Conference
intends thus to be an interdisciplinary meeting point for the discussion
of the body as a central cultural construction.

Suggested thematic areas:
* Body and literature: the body as text and as literary theme...
* Body and culture: fashion, media, popular culture...
* Body and thought: language, theology, scientific discourse...
* Body and norms: deviant and deviated bodies, transsexuality,
transgendered bodies, monstrosity...
* Body and technology: artificiality, cyberbodies, surgery, bodybuilding...

Conference languages:
The official languages of the Conference are Catalan, Spanish and
English. Contributions in Galician, Portuguese, French, and Italian are
also welcome.

Papers should not exceed 2,500 words, excluding bibliography.
Presentations are limited to 20 minutes. A volume of selected paper will
be published.

Please e-mail 150-300 word abstracts including: keywords in English and
Spanish, your full name, institutional affiliation, email and postal
address. Deadline: November 30, 2006 (to
Acceptance of proposals will be notified by December 20, 2006.

Subscription fees:
- participants presenting papers: 90 euros
- attendance without paper presentation: 25 euros
Payment by transfer to bank account number 2013 0692 80 0202511758.

Contact email:
Research Group "Body and Textuality"
Coordinator: Dr. Meri Torras,
Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

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Received on Sat Jul 01 2006 - 07:12:51 EDT