CFP: 49th Parallel: Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies (7/31/06; journal issue)

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CFP: 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
North American Studies (7/31/06; journal issue)

Call for journal submissions

Autumn 2006: Open Issue

49th Parallel is an interdisciplinary e-journal of the
University of Birmingham (UK) devoted to American and
Canadian studies that looks to promote innovative and
challenging academic work. The journal takes its name
from the 1,270 mile border separating USA and Canada,
and in this sense is keen to encourage dialogues and
debates which transcend the boundaries of customary
theoretical approaches to the culture, history, and
politics of the North American continent.

To ensure the integrity and quality of the e-journal,
all work submitted to 49th Parallel is peer-reviewed
by academics selected from our Editorial Board.

Some of the disciplines previously covered in 49th
Parallel include history, literature, film, popular
culture, politics, photography, the visual arts, and
their relation within an international comparative
framework. This multidisciplinary approach aims to
promote a broad spectrum of academic debate, and to
utilise the multimedia capabilities offered to an
e-based journal. In this sense 49th Parallel means to
encourage traditional academic essays alongside the
use of video and photo academic texts. The journal is
part of an ongoing discourse that is developed and
expanded through the online discussion board which
addresses the areas under discussion in each issue.

The next edition is scheduled for release in Autumn

Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2006

The Editors welcome articles covering a broad range of
topics pertaining to the study of America and, or,
Canada. We welcome academics and postgraduates alike
to submit articles and reviews, and are keen for work
that steps outside the boundaries of traditional
academic work. The use of film, pictures, sound, and
creative web designs will be considered for placement
in the e-journal.

For information and submission guidelines see our

To submit, contact the Editors at

Alternatively via post at:

The Editors,
49th Parallel,
Department of American and Canadian Studies,
School of Historical Studies,
The University of Birmingham,
B15 2TT,

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 09 2006 - 09:29:57 EDT
