CFP: Return to Gender (grad) (UK) (9/1/06; 11/25/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Churnjeet Kaur Mahn

Return to Gender: Sex and Context across the Disciplines

The University of Glasgow will be hosting an AHRC sponsored postgraduate conference on NOVEMBER 25TH 2006 to stage a series of debates on the uses of gender in the work of postgraduates in a variety of disciplines. The conference will address a series of questions on the relevance of feminine, masculine and queer identities in an academic environment dominated by uses of ‘post’. Are studies of sex becoming anachronistic in the face of gender, and have they lost their political potential through a cultural relativism that uses culture over sex as a primary axis of difference? We invite papers to discuss any and all applications of gender in their work across academic disciplines. Possible topics and questions include:

* Media constructions of gender
* Androgyny
* Performativity and Drag
* Gender and technology
* Sex and power
* Abnormal gender psychology
* Paternity and masculinity
* Queer kinship
* Nation/Image/Gender
* Marriage and Partnership
* Geography and gender
* Has feminism been subsumed into gender studies?
*What is the role of Queer studies in the Arts: is it a minority concern?
*Theory and practice: what material contributions can gender theory make?
* The hijab: politically empowering or forced submission?
* Is work on masculinity sidelined in the teaching of gender studies?
* Are we 'post' gender?

We invite abstracts of 200-300 words for 20 minute papers to be submitted electronically by SEPTEMBER 1ST 2006 to, with institutional affiliation and contact details. Participants at the conference will be invited to submit their papers to eSharp, Glasgow's award-winning postgraduate journal. They will then be considered for publication in a Spring 2007 issue on gender. Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the conference.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 09 2006 - 09:29:34 EDT