CFP: Virginia Woolf and Deviancy (8/14/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization:
contact email: 

For the Fall issue of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany, the subject is
Virginia Woolf and Deviancy. Possible topics might be: "How and why did
Woolf present what the dominant culture found deviant? How and why was
Woolf deviant in her own writing? How did Woolf change the meanings of
deviancy or the understandings of what was deviant in her culture? Is
Woolf deviant for readers today? How has Woolf's deviance influenced
later writers? How have later writers or visual artists interpreted
Woolf's deviancy into their own texts? How did Woolf create textual or
narrative deviancy? How, in Woolf's incorporation of other texts into her
writing, did she create deviancy?

The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 14, 2006, by email Word
attachment. Please put as subject heading: VW and Deviancy. Articles
should be about 1000-2000 words only. Send submissions to Georgia
Johnston at All submissions will be acknowledged, so
please re-send if acknowledgement is not sent promptly.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 09 2006 - 10:18:35 EDT