CFP: Woolson and the American South (9/8/06; 2/22/07-2/25/07)

full name / name of organization:

Abstracts are warmly invited for the Seventh Biennial Conference of the
Constance Fenimore Woolson Society, which will be held 22-25 February 2007 at
the Marshall House in Savannah, GA. The informal theme will be "Postbellum
Sojourns: The American South and the Example of Woolson, 1865-1890." Papers
on all Woolson topics are welcome; those on the conference's informal theme
enjoy the opportunity of publication.

Topics might include imagining reunion, a sectional sense of place, social
relations and caste, emerging Appalachia, Southern hospitality, cities of the
New South, race and reconstruction, magazining the South, local focus and
national lens, trespassing, authoring women, masks and performance, postwar
memory, the tourist's gaze, writing region, colloquial talk, plantation
fiction's revival, Southern writers and Northern publishers.

Send brief abstracts by 8 September 2006 to

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 09 2006 - 10:19:00 EDT
