UPDATE: Narratives of Exploration (7/10/06; 3/22/07-3/23/07)

full name / name of organization: 
F. Regard
contact email: 

³Unstable Zones: Self and Other in British Narratives of First Encounters²
An International Conference on British Narratives of Exploration

22 - 23 March 2007

Ecole Normale Superieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Lyon, France

An international conference on British narratives of exploration will be
held at the ENS in March 2007. Participants will be expected to deal
primarily with the pragmatic aspects of first encounters: how self and other
are brought to recontextualize their respective practices in the specific
field of action; particular attention should also be paid to the textual
dimension of the account‹how self and other are produced through a specific
rhetoric, narrative devices, metaphors, etc. The language of the conference
will be English.

Please send a 300 word abstract through the post to Prof. F. Regard,
Laboratoire LIRE-SEMA. Ecole Normale Superieure. 15, Parvis Rene Descartes.
BP 7000. 69 342 Lyon cedex 07. France. Proposals should include a short
biographical note, an e-mail address, and a regular mail address. The
initial deadline of June 30, 2006 is extended to July 10.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Jul 09 2006 - 09:29:00 EDT