CFP: Annual Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference (Australia) (8/1/06; 11/23/06-11/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Glen Thomas
contact email: 

Eleventh Annual Australian Association of Writing Programs (AAWP)
Perilous Adventures: Creative Writing Practice and Research in the Higher Degree and Beyond
23-26 November, 2006. Brisbane, Queensland.
Invitation to Attend:
The 2006 organising committee would like to extend an enthusiastic welcome to attend the eleventh annual AAWP Conference, which will be held in Brisbane from 23 to 26 November inclusive. We are planning a challenging, exciting and rigorous bacchanalia of events, including debates, bowling, panels, papers, dangerous cocktails, and a full day of postgraduate workshops, panels and papers on Thursday the 23rd. The venue will be the Creative Industries Precinct at QUT’s Kelvin Grove Campus.
Call for Papers:
DEADLINE: August 1, 2006
The conference theme is Perilous Adventures: Creative Writing Practice and Research in the Higher Degree and Beyond. The program will include keynote speakers, plenary panels and papers that explore the possibilities for research and practice that look beyond the now-traditional model of the exegetical, postgraduate research model. Creative Practice as Research has become a fundamental aspect of research within the Creative Industries, with a flourishing and dynamic field of inquiry, particularly in terms of pedagogy and postgraduate research. In fact, it seems that Creative Writing has, in Australia, dominated the field in terms of articulating and responding to the demands for ways in which to articulate strategies for postgraduate practice-based research. To continue to flourish under the new Research Quality Framework (RQF), the ever-increasing pressure to be successful in securing large grants, and a renewed emphasis on quality teaching, Creative Writing needs to also l!
 ook towards ways of establishing and developing research agendas that operate beyond Research Higher Degrees; to consider ongoing, collaborative, multivalent research and practice strategies that can contribute to extending and growing both our individual and national research agendas.
We are particularly interested in seeing submissions which explore the following issues:
How can we develop critical and innovative approaches to Learning and Teaching?
What are the challenges and opportunities in designing Creative writing coursework?
What are the possibilities for cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional and industry-linked research projects?
The Future of Creative Writing in the Academy
Other provocative, challenging ideas
NB: Papers which articulate or explore individual or pedagogic issues particular to RHD research (ie: papers describe or are about your own MA or PhD project) will be scheduled as part of the postgraduate day (Thursday November 23rd)
We invite:
abstracts of approximately 200 words for 20 minute papers,
proposals for 60 minute panels (including three speakers and a chair), approximately 600 words,
debate topics (you may suggest a topic for debate, up to 100 words) â€" (a) “Should RHD Programs accept unpublished authors?”, (b) “Should an exegesis be a necessary part of a PhD?”
Please note that delegates intending to present papers of be involved in panels need to be financial members of the AAWP at the time of the conference. Membership fees can be paid beforehand by contacting the Treasurer, Brenda Glover, at:
Abstracts should be sent directly to Dr Glen Thomas:
For further information, please contact Dr Nike Bourke:
Postgraduate Day
Thursday November 23rd will be a dedicated postgraduate day, including papers by postgraduate students, a poster display of current postgraduate work, workshops and opportunities for debate and discussion.
Postgraduate students who attend will be actively involved in a range of dynamic, stimulating opportunities for networking, knowledge-sharing and discussion. The postgraduate day is always popular, so please book early for a place in the program. (Please note, however, that only currently enrolled RHD (MA and PhD students) are eligible to attend and participate in the postgraduate day.)
All postgraduates who book for the one-day program will be asked to:
Submit a poster (a template and guidelines will be provided) describing their research project.
Enquiries (postgraduate day):
The eleventh annual AAWP conference is supported by the Creative Industries Faculty of Queensland University of Technology

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jul 12 2006 - 16:31:35 EDT