CFP: Firefly and Serenity (9/1/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Wilcox Rhonda
contact email: 

Firefly and Serenity

Rhonda V. Wilcox and Tanya R. Cochran solicit proposals for a book of
essays on Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity. The short-lived series and
major motion picture speak to a myriad of issues-some familial, some
political, some cultural, many something in between. While on the
surface the series appears to be "just a space western," Whedon's
signature conflation of genres is only one facet of Firefly and Serenity
that, upon careful investigation, reveals evidence of the series' and
film's complexity and aesthetic appeal. From its setting and staging to
its characters and cultural work, Firefly and Serenity compose a
'verse--a fictional universe--that merits study. The editors therefore
anticipate including essays representing a variety of interpretive
angles-audience studies, textual studies, cultural studies, and more.

Several publishers have already expressed interest in the project.
Please send proposals of up to 500 words (in Microsoft Word; the file
name should be labeled with the letters FFS and your last name--for
example, FFSCochran.doc) to BOTH Rhonda Wilcox <> and
Tanya Cochran <> by September 1, 2006. Also
include *within* the proposal document your name, contact information
(address, phone, email), and institutional affiliation. Send curriculum
vitae as well (unless you are sure the editors know your work). Please
paste the proposal into the body of your email as well as sending it as
a file attachment. The projected deadlines for first and final drafts
will be December 2006 and spring 2007, respectively. Send queries to

Rhonda V. Wilcox is Professor of English at Gordon College in
Barnesville, GA. In addition to co-editing both Fighting the Forces:
What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Rowman and Littlefield,
2002) and Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
with David Lavery and editing Studies in Popular Culture, she is the
author of Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(Tauris, 2005) and a founding editor of Critical Studies in Television.
Also among her current projects is a book collection on Veronica Mars.

Tanya R. Cochran is both a doctoral candidate in Rhetoric and
Composition at Georgia State University and an Assistant Professor of
English at Union College in Lincoln, NE. Her dissertation focuses on her
"first love"-rhetorical and cultural studies-by exploring the Buffy the
Vampire Slayer scholar-fan community. She is an editorial board member
of Watcher Junior: The Undergraduate Journal of Buffy Studies. Among
other articles and reviews, forthcoming is a book chapter on Buffy and
myth in the edited collection A Long Time Ago: Modern Mythology in the
New Millennium.

    Topics include but are not limited to the following:
* advertising & marketing
* audience & critics
* Alliance, The
* ancillary texts
* Brown Coats
* cinematography
* class
* culture
* deleted scenes
* duty & honor
* DVD commentaries
* editing
* family
* fan activism
* fan fiction
* feminism
* fight scenes
* FOX & Firefly
* gender
* genre(s)
* humor
* individual episodes
* Joss Whedon as writer/director
* Kaylee (or any other character in terms of a particular focus)
* language
* law & order
* lighting
* music or scoring
* narrative
* Other(s)
* postcolonialism
* quest
* race
* Reavers, The
* religion/spirituality
* romance
* Serenity (film)
* Serenity, The (ship)
* set design & props
* space & place
* special effects
* subplots
* subtexts
* time frame
* unaired episodes
* verisimilitude
* writers & directors

Rhonda V. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Gordon College
Barnesville, GA 30204
Editor, Studies in Popular Culture
Coeditor, Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies
Coeditor, Critical Studies in Television
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Received on Wed Jul 12 2006 - 16:31:14 EDT