CFP: Flux (Australia) (9/15/06; 11/9/06-11/10/06)

full name / name of organization: 
AHCCA pgrads Committee
contact email: 

FLUX: The University of Melbourne School of Art History, Cinema,
Classics and Archaeology's (AHCCA) FINAL Postgraduate Association
Conference will be held on the 9th and 10th of November 2006.

To mark the end of AHCCA in 2006 the Postgraduate Association is
holding a two day conference on the subject of FLUX. With its
connotations of flow and fusion, of formation, dissolution and
reformulation, FLUX reflects both the interdisciplinary spirit of this
year's conference and the current status of AHCCA within The
University of Melbourne.

Papers are now invited that consider and/or engage with the theme of
FLUX from a range of perspectives in Art History, Cinema Studies,
Classics, Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Classical Archaeology,
Curatorship and Conservation, as well as other related disciplines
within the humanities. Papers are welcome from all postgraduate
students across Australia and New Zealand.

Topics might include:
• the politics and poetics of change, transition, and/or regression
• creation/destruction, commencement/closure
• memory, nostalgia, regret
• obsolescence and/or renewal
• metamorphosis and mutation
• political instabilities
• the reformulation of empires and borders
• globalisation, migration and citizenship
• resisting, reclaiming, or rewriting orthodoxies
• the effects of time and/or space on the subjects of material culture
• the vernacular
• perspective, spectacle, display
• changing forums for cultural production and exhibition
      (museums, galleries, theatres, workshops, screens)
• the negotiation and articulation of identity
• birth, rebirth, death, the afterlife

You may choose to submit:
• An individual paper
• A jointly authored paper to be presented by one, some or all authors
• Session proposals (3 or 4 papers) on a topic of your choice.
Sessions can be single- or inter-disciplinary.

All submissions should include:
• Paper title and 250 word abstract
• Short biography including the name of your primary supervisor
• Details of audio-visual requirements.
• 3 keywords pertaining to the paper's theme.
• If submitting a session proposal please include a session title and
100 word abstract in addition to the above for each paper.

Select, fully refereed conference proceedings will be published in 2007.

Submissions are due by September 15 to:
For more information please email the above address or visit

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jul 12 2006 - 16:30:37 EDT
