CFP: Stephen King (11/1/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Leslie Fife
contact email: 

  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  Boston, Massachusetts
  The "Stephen King" Area Chair of the Popular Culture
  Association invites interested scholars to submit papers
  on any aspect of Stephen King's work. Possible topics
  include—but are not limited to—Stephen King's literature,
  short stories, prison stories, films, television miniseries,
  and his place in or influence on popular culture.
  INDIVIDUAL: please send a 100- to 250-word abstract,
  including title, via email to the address listed below. Completed
  papers of not more than 15 minutes reading time may also be
  sent. Please provide all pertinent contact information
  (name, institutional mailing address, phone numbers,
  and email).
  PANEL proposals of 4 speakers and/or discussion panels
  of 4-6 participants each are also encouraged. Please
  include the following:
  --Panel title
  --Name and contact information for the Panel Chair
  --Titles and abstracts of each paper
  --Contact information for each presenter
  All presenters must be members of the PCA and must register
  for the conference. Membership and registration forms will
  be sent upon presentation acceptance.
  Paper acceptance obligates participants to present the paper
  at the conference. Multiple submissions to different areas
  are not allowed. Please note that you must be present
  at the conference to read your own paper.
  The deadline for submission of abstracts and/or papers
  is NOVEMBER 1, 2006. For additional information, please
  go to:
  Please email all abstracts, papers, and queries to:
  Mary Findley
  Area Chair: Stephen King
  Vermont Technical College or

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jul 31 2006 - 22:03:05 EDT