CFP: Telling Tales: Visual Design and Narrative (9/15/06; collection)

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Call For Papers â€" Edited Collection:
Telling Tales: Visual Design and Narrative in Contemporary Culture

By identifying an innovative and neglected area of research, this potential
edited collection proposes to bring together academic works, which seek to
reveal and analyse hidden and implicit narratives within a design context.
>From the world of high fashion to the thrill of the theme park, this book will
explore the notion of alternative narratives embodied within an everyday lived
 experience of design, radically forging together the disparate spheres of
screen and visual studies with those of art and design.

The collection is aimed at students and academics of the interdisciplinary
subjects of art and design, fashion, product and game design, film, television
and animation, creative writing and English studies. The scope of the areas
covered by the book will allow scholars of these subjects to extrapolate
beyond their own discipline and critical thinking, discovering how narrative
plays an integral part in the design of contemporary culture.
Proposed chapters already under consideration include:
· Body Design and Fashion
· Theme Park Narratives
· Animation
· Film Editing
· Book Covers in Misery Memoir
· Art Installation and Narrative
Abstracts covering variations of these areas will still be considered.

Prospective chapters are being sought in other areas and could include but
are not limited to:
Narratives of Space and Place
Product Design
Location and Set Design
Colour and Cinematography
Genre Design
Radio and the Visual Imagination

Please email abstracts of approx 250 - 300 words to the editors by 15th
September 2006. Successful contributors should have chapters of 4,000 â€" 6,000
words prepared for mid 2007 submission.

Peri Bradley
University of Southampton â€"

Craig Batty
Southampton Solent University â€"

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jul 31 2006 - 23:18:44 EDT
