CFP: The Trouble With Alfred: Hitchcock Studies Today (8/7/06; SCMS, 3/8/07-3/11/07)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference
March 8-11, 2007
Chicago, IL
We are currently seeking proposals for the proposed panel, "The Trouble With Alfred: Hitchcock Studies Today"
Despite more than forty years of steady critical explication, the films of Alfred Hitchcock are as uncanny as ever. And while no doubt the sheer scope of Hitchcock's career has made it singularly hospitable to the historical turn in film scholarship, this variable alone does not account for the juggernaut currently rumbling under the name of Hitchcock. Indeed, against or as part of historical inquiries is work that continues to take Hitchcock as an exemplary site for speculative theory or the radical recasting of critical protocols. Particularly striking are new practices of reading across films, such as Peter Orr's attention to the "triptych effect" of recurring stars, Tom Cohen's remarking of a powerfully deconstructive citational network that infects the entire oeuvre, and Slavoj Zizek's "theory of misrepresentations," which accounts for the extraordinary number of factual mistakes in Hitchcock scholarship. But is work such as this inevitably auteurist or textualist in a !
damaging way? Have the notable gains of feminism and Queer Theory been consolidated, advanced, outflanked, gutted? We solicit proposals for papers that reflect in some way on the current state of what might as well be called Hitchcock Studies.
Possible topics include:
--Periodizing Hitchcock, periodizing cinema
--Hitchcock and genre
--Hitchcock and acting/performance
--Hitchcock and character/mimesis
--Hitchcock and technology
--Hitchcock as icon; Hitchcock's promotional machinery
--Hitchcock and Theory: Benjamin, Adorno, Deleuze, Jameson, Zizek, Kittler, etc.
--"Post-feminist" Hitchcock
--Hitchcock on television
--Hitchcock's doubles: Powell, De Palma, Van Sant, Haneke, etc.
--Hitchcock and du Maurier
Please send 250-word abstract and brief bio to John Bruns at <> or Ned Schantz at <> by August 8, 2006.
Note that SCMS membership is required to participate in the conference. Information about the conference can be found at <>
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jul 31 2006 - 22:02:19 EDT