CFP: German Culture & Literature (11/1/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Leslie Fife
contact email: 

2007 PCA/ACA National Conference
  April 4-7, 2007
  Boston Marriott Copley Place
  Boston, Massachusetts
  Submission deadline: November 1, 2006
  We welcome papers on various subjects pertaining
  to Germany, its literature, and its culture. Area Chair
  information for submissions is at the bottom of the page.
  Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  "Animals in German Culture: A New Umwelt"
  Papers are sought that deal with representations
  of animals in German-language, literature and
  culture. Topics could include, but are not limited to:
  the impact of such representations on body theory;
  representations of animals as an attempt to alter
  or change the German Unwelt; animals as tropes and
  metaphors for body conflicts; impact of animals
  on German culture; and interactions between
  Germans and animals.
  "Forgetting Fassbinder?: Takes on Modern
  German Film"
  Papers are sought that look at recent German film
  in light of Fassbinder and the New German cinema.
  Is there any mutual ground between that era and
  the present-day popular German cinema? What
  does the relation between the two say about
  present-day Germany, and the German past?
  "Dissing Ability in German Popular Culture"
  Papers are sought that look at the deconstruction
  of "ability" as the inherent quality of "normalcy."
  Where in German language television, music,
  literature and other cultural spheres do people
  with disabilities disassemble the thin veneer of
  invulnerability and normalcy that these same media
  project? How does such a phenomenon in
  German-speaking cultures compare with other
  "(How) Does Post-Colonialism go Pop?"
  Papers are sought that deal with manifestations of
  post-colonialism that have a pop trajectory. Does
  German popular culture de-politicize post-colonial
  debates, or disseminate them among a greater,
  popular audience? What are the inflections
  of post-colonialism that goes pop?
  "The Popularization of German Museum Culture"
  Papers are sought that examine how German museum
  culture resists, and takes part in the larger trends
  of popularization of culture, as well as why museums
  in German-speaking countries have taken such stances.
  How do, to take three seemingly highly divergent
  examples, the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Pinakothek
  der Moderne in Munich, and the Autostadt in Wolfsburg
  fit into a trajectory of such a popularization?
  "Marketing Sport: Marketing Germany?"
  Papers are sought that look at how sports marketing
  is tied to marketing German products, and specific
  notions of Germany. How do these intersections
  manifest themselves, and how do they shape the image
  of product, and Germany, both at home and abroad?
  For instance, how is the recent World Cup in
  Germany representative of such trends?
  "Anti-Semitism: Representations, Intersections,
  and Reception"
  Papers are sought that examine the representations,
  intersections and reception of anti-Semitism
  in German culture, from literature and film,
  to magazines, media, music and other cultural products.
  "German Comic Mags and Zines"
  Papers are sought that look at various aspects
  of German Comic magazine and zines. Topics
  could include, but are not limited to, the relation
  of comics to nationalism, to racism, to politics, to rap
  and popular music, to the European Union, and
  to terrorism.
  "Recent German Film: Open Panel"
  Papers are sought that deal with recent German film.
  Papers may deal with German and European identity politics,
  ethnicity, popular filmmaking culture, and attempts to deal
  with unification and its (dis)contents.
  Please send 150-200 word abstracts and a brief CV by the deadline
  of November 1, 2006. Electronic submissions are welcome
  and preferred.
  German Literature and Culture Area Chair:
  Claude Desmarais
  Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures
  Crabtree Building, 49A York St.
  Mount Allison University
  Sackville, NB
  E4L 1C7 Canada
  (506) 364-2478

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 04 2006 - 09:25:28 EDT