CFP: Peer English Journal (1/5/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Louttit, C.J.
contact email: 

I am pleased to announce the launch of Peer English (ISSN 1746-5621), a
new refereed annual journal published by the Department of English at
the University of Leicester.

The first issue includes scholarly essays on theories of realism, war
writing, Renaissance university drama, V.S. Naipaul and the role of the
unconscious in the writing process. There are also reviews and review
essays of recent academic books by Peter Haidu, Angelique Richardson,
Lawrence Frank, Carlos Hiraldo and others.

More information, including subscription details, is available on the
journal's website at:

Our aim is to provide a forum for exciting and high-quality work by
early career researchers. We especially welcome submissions, therefore,
from lecturers, assistant or associate professors, senior graduate
students, or post-doctoral researchers or teachers.

Our approach is open and inclusive, and definition of 'literary studies'
is broad. We encourage work that considers any literary period, and
deploys the whole range of critical strategies used in the discipline
today, from traditional close readings, to historically-grounded
scholarship and cutting-edge theoretical or interdisciplinary analyses.

For publication in the second issue in late 2007 we now invite:
scholarly essays (2,000-5,000 words), reviews or review essays of recent
publications, short articles on research or pedagogical-related themes,
thought and opinion pieces. All typescript should be double-spaced, MLA
referenced, sent on disk saved as a Word document and accompanied by two
hard copies of the text.

The submissions deadline for Issue 2 is 5th January 2007

Submissions may also be considered during January, but only after prior
arrangement with the editor. Please contact the editor with an abstract
or proposal if you wish to submit but have concerns about being unable
to make the deadline.

Contributions should be sent to:
        Chris Louttit
           Editor, Peer English
        Department of English
        University of Leicester
        University Road
        Leicester, LE1 7RH Email:

A full style sheet of submission guidelines is available by email and
should be requested before submitting final copy.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 04 2006 - 09:26:47 EDT
