CFP: William Faulkner and the Visual Arts (3/15/07; journal issue)

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Articles are sought for an edited collection of essays on _William Faulkner
and the Visual Arts_, to be published by The University of Tennessee Press.
Please see description of proposed collection below. Please send all
questions or notices of interest to Deadline for essays is 3/15/07.

As a modernist, Faulkner, like many avant garde writers, sought to
reinvigorate narrative art forms by
appropriating techiques and aesthetic strategies from the "sister arts" of
painting, sculpture, and
photography. In his formative years, Faulkner worked as both cartoonist and
illustrator, and this tendency towards the visual is pronounced in his
fiction, with the great stopped-action scenes of the major novels serving, for many
critics, as the apogee of this visual dimension. However, a closer look
reveals a myriad of visual elements at work within Faulkner's fiction. This
collection seeks essays on the use of vision and the visual arts in Faulkner's
fiction that discuss and problematize the interaction between words and pictures.
In essence, this volume asks the question: how can new theories of the
visual character of literary texts change, reshape, or deconstruct traditional
approaches to Faulkner's fiction? Topics could include, but are not limited to,
the following:

-the use of specific art generes such as still life, portraiture, landscape,
sculpture, nude, domestic scene, etc. as "pictures in the text" that function
as conveyors of meaning.

-comparisons between specific artists, individual art works, or aesthetic
strategies culled from the visual arts

-the use of alternative visionary modes (hallucination, fantasy, dreaming,
"second sense") as markers of visuality that reinforce, challenge or
problematize narrative events

-dynamics of vision and power as exemplified in modes of seeing such as
voyuerism, exhibitionism, survelliance, iconophobia, and the gendered gaze

- the role of art objects such as paintings, sculture, photographs and/or

-the use of focusing structures such as mirrors, pools, windows or other
reflective surfaces that highlight the act of vision in the construction of
social, personal and narrative meaning

- the narrative function, social role, and aesthetic representation of artist
figures in Faulkner's work

- word/image interaction in Faulkner's fiction, poetry, and early graphic

Articles need not address these questions directly, but they should reflect
on some aspect of the visual dimension in Faulkner's narratives in some
explicit way. Send submissions to Randall Wilhelm, Department of English, The
University of Tennessee, 301, McClung Tower, Knoxville, TN 37996-0403.
Questions about content or deadline should be directed to the editor at

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Received on Fri Aug 04 2006 - 09:26:03 EDT
