CFP: 18th/19th Century Literary Palimpsests (12/1/06; collection)

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Hi folks,
> I have a new project in the works: Revealing Texts: Eighteenth and
> Nineteenth-century Literary Palimpsests. I am looking for articles
> exploring the manner in which some eighteenth and nineteenth-century
> texts reveal their histories and those of their real or imagined
> (examples: Blake's annotations to Reynolds Discourses, pregnancy in
Tristram Shandy) and will
> welcome a variety of subjects: analogies, fragments, graffiti,
> marginalia or lacunae, to name but a few.
> Preference will be given to medium length, imaginatively written,
> jargon-free articles. I have a publisher and several articles
> so timeliness will be a consideration.
> Please forward this call to any interested parties.
> Best,
> Darby
> Darby Lewes
> Lycoming College

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Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 15:28:22 EDT