CFP: Australian Association for Caribbean Studies (Australia) (11/1/06; 2/7/07-2/9/07)

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Australian Association for Caribbean Studies International Biennial
Conference, February 7-9 2007: Call for Papers

The next biennial conference of the Australian Association for
Caribbean Studies (AACS)will be held from 7-9 February, 2007 at
Footscray Park campus of Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia).
Proposals of papers of 20-25 minutes duration are invited on the theme
of Caribbean Popular Cultures. Papers that address other Caribbean
topics are also welcome.

Proposals of approximately 200 words should be sent to the conference
convenor by 1 November, 2006 by either email attachment to or post to:

Dr Karina Smith,
School of Communication, Culture and Languages,
Victoria University,
St Albans Campus PO Box 14428,
Melbourne, Victoria 8001 Australia

Further information on the conference and on accommodation in the
Footscray area is available at the conference website:

Dr Karina Smith,
Literary and Gender Studies,
School of Communication, Culture and Languages,
Victoria University,
St Albans Rm 8.221 Ph: 9919 2469

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 16:09:28 EDT