CFP: Documentary Traditions, DVD (8/15/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Bryan Sebok
contact email: 

Call for Papers

2006 Film and History League Conference
“The Documentary Tradition”

AREA: “Value-Added” Content and the DVD Doc

DVD Supplementary Content, including short-form “behind-the-scenes” documentaries, commentary tracks, thematically or scientifically oriented documentaries related to the filmic text, and feature-length documentaries about the production process has been an integral component in marketing and differentiating product in ancillary markets since the days of LaserDisc and the subsequent introduction and diffusion of DVD technology in the mid-1990s. From franchise films to indie productions, supplementary content targets fan cultures and casual viewers alike. Utilizing documentary production techniques, supplementary content promises viewers access to films and filmmakers. “Value-added” content represents both an industrial and cultural phenomenon, at once serving as an exploitable marketing tool in a variety of media and as a growing field of documentary content with its own unique tones, themes, and styles. We are inviting submissions on all aspects of “Value-Adde!
 d” content including:
        --authorship and the authorial voice in DVD content
        --the DVD Producer as “Ancillary Author”
        --fandom, fan cultures, and the DVD documentary
        --DVD documentary style and aesthetics
        --DVD production houses and “group style”
        --the status of the filmic text in ancillary markets

Deadline for submission is July 25, 2006.

The Film and History League conference details can be found at The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the Dolce Conference Center near the DFW airport.

Send all inquiries and proposals to:

B. R. Sebok
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station A0800
CMA 6.118
Austin, TX 78712-0108
Phone 512/470-3132

PhD Candidate
Radio Television Film Dept., UT Austin
DVD Producer
UT Film Institute/Burnt Orange Productions

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Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 15:28:10 EDT
