CFP: Doing Gender History: Methods and Models (Ireland) (8/25/06; 11/17/06-11/18/06)
Call for Papers
Women's History Association Ireland
Annual Meeting
Friday Evening, November 17
Saturday, 18 November, 2006
Trinity College, Dublin
Hosted by
The Centre for Gender and Women's Studies
Theme: Doing Gender History: Methods and Models
This conference will explore the shape and content of gender history – moving
beyond men's history (traditional ) history and women's history to develop a
new holistic paradigm that includes and values the actions/experiences and
ideas of both men and women. We ask: How do we do gender history? What would
it look like? Do we have specific examples of doing gender history?
Theoretical, methodological, chronological/events based papers as well as papers
on individuals or themes within gender history are most welcome.
Deadline for submission: August 25, 2006
Send 1 page abstracts to Dr. Maryann Valiulis, Women's History Association
Conference, Centre for Gender and Women's History, Trinity College, Dublin or
--Aoife O' Driscoll,Research Unit,Centre for Gender and Women's Studies,School of Histories and Humanities,Trinity College, Dublin 2.Phone: (01) 896-2871 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 17:16:06 EDT