CFP: Gender and Queer Studies (9/15/06; ASECS, 3/22/07-3/25/07)
CFP: "Splintering studies?: Eighteenth-century studies and women's studies,
gender studies, queer studies, lesbian studies..."
ASECS 2007, Atlanta, GA (March 22-25)
Contact: Bonnie Latimer (
Deadline: 15 September 2006
Few would deny the combined and discrete impacts of feminist thought and of
queer studies on scholarly readings of eighteenth-century culture. These
intersecting approaches have generated debates and prompted research that have
broadly shaped contemporary study of eighteenth-century literature, arts, and
history. Equally, however, scholarly focus on sexuality and gender has
coincided with an increasing tendency towards specialization (perhaps even
fragmentation) into disparate "studies": women's studies, gender studies, LGBT
or queer studies, amongst others. In this roundtable, a range of panelists
working on different areas of eighteenth-century culture will present position
papers on their own experiences of the splintering of studies connected to
gender and sexuality. This panel will consider the interactions between
academic disciplines relating to eighteenth-century culture and these various
"studies," asking how they talk back to one another, how they are prioritized
over one another in curricula and publishing, to what extent they are engaged
in different projects from one another, and to what degree they risk
Please send brief abstracts for 10-15 minute papers to, in the
form of an MS Word attachment and using the subject line "ASECS roundtable".
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 16:08:28 EDT