CFP: Sex and Sexuality - Exploring Critical Issues 3 (Poland) (9/22/06; 11/29/06-12/2/06)
3rd Global Conference
Sex and Sexuality - Exploring Critical Issues
Wednesday 29th November - Saturday 2nd December 2006
Cracow, Poland
Call for Papers
(please cross post where appropriate)
This research conference seeks to examine issues of sexuality across a range of critical and cultural perspectives. Seeking to encourage innovative inter- and multidisciplinary dialogues, we warmly welcome papers from a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to anthropology, cultural studies, education, gender studies, history, law, literature, medicine, psychology, religion, sociology and social work. We also welcome contributions from queer activists and professionals in non-profit and non-government organizations.
In particular papers, workshops, reports, and presentations are invited on any of the following themes:
1. Sexuality and Citizenship
* The political main streaming of lesbian and gay issues, lobbying, queer activism, transgender movements and transsexual movements
* Sexuality and the work place: sexuality and power
* Sex and education
* Sexuality, legal issues and policy making
* Sexuality and health; health care; health education
* Sexual initiations/rites of passage
* Sexuality, spirituality and religion
2. Sexuality and the Erotic
* Understanding eroticism and the 'erotic': the history of the erotic, the erotic and phases of human development
* National and cultural histories of the erotic:the politics of the erotic including issues of censorship and transgression
* The erotic imagination: the erotic in art, art history, literature, film and music
* Gender, bodies and the erotic: sexuality and the erotic; the erotic and the perverse; eroticism & fetishism, fantasy
* Role playing, eroticed/be-eroticised body, the erotic and (neo)colonialism, pornography
3. Anonymity and Intimacy
* Cybersex, public sex, private sex
* Technology, virtuality and sexuality
* Sexual intimacies
* Cheating and betrayal
* Sex work
4. Love, Desire and Theory
* Queer theory
* Feminisms
* Transtheory
* Psychoanalysis
* Cultural studies
* Interdisciplinary approaches
Papers will be considered on related themes. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 22nd September 2006. Full draft papers should be submitted by Friday 17th November 2006.
All papers accepted for and presented at this conference will be published in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be published in a themed hard copy volume.
Papers should be submitted to the organising committee as an email attachment in Word or WordPerfect; abstracts can also be submitted in the body of the email text rather than as an attachment.
Margaret Breen
Department of English,
University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT, USA
Rob Fisher
Freeland, Oxfordshire, UK
The conference aims to bring together people from different contexts, disciplines, professions and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions that are innovative and exciting.
For further details about the project please visit:
For further details about the conference please visit:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 15:28:02 EDT