CFP: The Healing Power of Art––Bringing Creativity from the Chaos (10/20/06; online journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Geraldine Cannon Becker

The Aroostook Review, a new online literary journal at the University of =
Maine at Fort Kent, is seeking quality submissions of original poetry, =
fiction, non-fiction/creative non-fiction, photography and art for =
possible publication.=20

We have updated our guidelines and now expect to put up two issues per =
year--Summer and Winter. Work that is accepted for online publication =
may also be selected for a print "Best of" issue in the future.
Our current theme is "The Healing Power of Art--Bringing Creativity from =
the Chaos." We will accept content until October 20, 2006. The theme =
will vary for each issue, and readers may also suggest future themes. If =
you are unsure whether your work fits the current theme, please query =

Current Submission Guidelines:=20
Please make sure your submissions are saved in rich text format (.rtf), =
Microsoft Word Format (.doc) or=20
a plain text file (.txt).=20

Biographical information: In the body of the email, by which=20
you attach your work, please provide a short biography of around 50 =
(written in the third person).=20

Fiction Submissions:=20
We accept short stories of all types and genres (i.e. Comedy, Science=20
Fiction, Horror, Action, Romance, Children's Literature, etc.). The =
story should be between 500 words (2 pages) and 2500 words (10 pages) in =

length. Usually only one work of fiction may be accepted per person =
during one=20
publishing period.=20

Non-Fiction Submissions:=20
Various types of nonfiction and creative nonfiction may be submitted. =
We include personal essays, scholarly essays on writers and various =
types of academic essays. We plan to have an interview with a featured =
writer, scholar, inspirational person or lifelong learner in each issue. =
Feature columns may also be accepted. Please query with ideas for such =
interviews or columns. The non-fiction should be between 500 words (2 =
pages) and 2500 words (10 pages) in length. Usually only one non-fiction =
submission may be accepted per person during one publishing period.=20

Poetry Submissions:=20
Any type of poetry is accepted with no restrictions on form or content. =
Send 3 to=20
5 pages of poetry, with one poem on each page. One or more poems may be =
accepted per person=20
during each publishing period.

Photographs and Art:
We are open to a wide variety of photography and art work, presented in =
good taste. 3 to=20
5 photos or works of art may be accepted per person during each =
publishing period.

You may visit The Aroostook Review online at:=20
or email

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 15:28:40 EDT