CFP: Anthropology Review Database (no deadline; journal issue)
Call for Book Reviewers
If there is a book that you are interested in reviewing contact the Anthropology Review Database (ARD). The ARD is an academic journal dedicated to promoting anthropological literature, and is innovative in adopting a totally electronic mode of publication. The purpose of the ARD is to improve the level of access of anthropologists to recent scholarship by making them more aware of what is being published and helping them to evaluate its relevance to their own interests. We welcome writers from diverse backgrounds that can and are willing to provide fresh insight into recently published books. Please, note that the ARD welcome reviews on anthropology, politics, ethics, sociology, archaeology, and economics.
I can be contacted at the e-mail address listed below if you are interesting in reviewing books on anthropology. We will work together to find a book for you to review that you will enjoy reading. For more detailed submission guidelines and contact information, please visit our website at I look forward to working with from you!
Aaron Peron Ogletree
Editor for Political, Public, and Ethical Concerns
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 19:56:51 EDT