CFP: Deja Vu (10/2/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Michael Jason Dieter

CFP: ‘Deja Vu’ - antiTHESIS Journal, Volume 17 (2007).

antiTHESIS, one of Australia’s longest running postgraduate
interdisciplinary journals, now invites creative, scholarly and visual
contributions for Volume 17, ‘Deja Vu.’

“What lies before me is my past” - Oscar Wilde.

Defined as a form of paramnesia, deja vu is a unique sensation of the
already known; a moment determined at once by both remembrance and
forgetting. Originating in the nineteenth century, the concept resonates
with the philosophical treatment of memory by such notable thinkers as
Nietzsche, Freud, Walter Benjamin and Henri Bergson. More recently, from
the perspective of late capitalism, postmodern theory has examined the
waning of historicity and the emergence of a permanent present under
globalisation. Other branches of thought have also considered the
development of new media technologies and the disorientation of
information overload in ‘real time.’

This volume offers a timely opportunity to revisit the past, to collapse
past and present, and to reconsider our responses.

antiTHESIS invites papers which theorise, contemplate or analyse déjà
vu. Proposals are encouraged in (though not restricted to) the following

- commodity fetishism, cycles of commodities
- spectres of history in repetition and nostalgia
- transcending epistemological limits
- parody and pastiche
- reconstructions and reinventions of the past
- banality, monotony and the already known
- psychological and neural seizure
- resurrections and afterlives
- amnesia: gaps and margins
- technologies of reproduction and mass distraction
- rituals and liminal time

Creative and scholarly papers must be of no more than 6,000 words in
length with academic citations conforming to the 14th edition of the
Chicago Style Guide. All submissions must consist of a Microsoft Word
document attached to an email.

Visual pieces, including original cover art designed for a 150mm x 210mm
space, are also welcome. Preliminary submissions may be made via e-mail
and must include a 72 or 75 dpi JPEG image, the title of the work, and the
artist’s contact information. Upon selection, we will require a
print-quality image on CD or PC formatted disk and a signed letter or
release form giving permission for its use by antiTHESIS.

Scholarly papers, poetry, prose and visual pieces submitted to the journal
must be received by Monday, 2nd October, 2006

Please address queries and submissions to: 

Department of English with Cultural Studies
University of Melbourne

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 19:56:44 EDT