CFP: Theorizing Occupation (10/1/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Laura Wright
contact email: 

The 16th Annual British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference
Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, GA
Conference website:
>From the OED:
Occupation, n.
I. Senses relating to space.
1. a. The action of taking or maintaining possession or control of a
country, building, land, etc., esp. by (military) force; an instance of
this; the period of such action; (also) the state of being subject to such
2. a. The action or condition of residing in or holding a place or position;
actual possession; tenure; occupancy; a period of occupancy.
The rhetoric of postcolonial theory has shifted over the past decade,
particularly as literary scholars have broadened the field to examine the
implications of transnational and global identity on literary production.
Similarly, this panel seeks to draw on extant theoretical perspectives like
those expressed, for example, in works like Fawzia Afzal-Khan and Kalpana
Seshadri-Crooks¹s edited collection The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial
Studies (Duke UP, 2000) to once again reshape and re-examine postcolonial
discourse by positioning readings of military, social, cultural, and/or
environmental occupation within a postcolonial theoretical frame.
Essays that read the literatures of Afghanistan and Iraq as postcolonial ­
as well as essays that focus on literatures produced under other periods of
U. S. military occupation ­ are particularly encouraged, as are essays that
foreground an ecocritical analysis of occupation. Consideration will also
be given to essays that explore any aspect of occupation that is depicted in
literature that has traditionally been considered postcolonial, as well as
in literature that has never been characterized by a postcolonial
Please send abstracts (250 words) as email attachments by October 1, 2006 to
Laura Wright
Assistant Professor
English Department
Western Carolina University

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Received on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 19:57:29 EDT