CFP: Interactions between Old and New in American Literatures (11/1/06; ACLA, 4/19/07-4/22/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Claire Gallou
contact email: 

American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting
April 19-22, 2007
Puebla, Mexico

The ACLA conference consists in seminars that gather 9 to 12 papers and meet
two or three times during the event. The following seminar invites papers
discussing any region and any literature of the Americas, North, Central, or

When Inter-American Hitchhikers, Naturalized Migrants and Locals
Collide: Literary Intersections between Old and New in the Americas
from 1492 to the 21st Century.

This seminar seeks to explore the literary intersections,
collaborations, appropriations and erasures that take place between
what we might interchangeably call the "old" and the "new" worlds in
the Americas (we borrow briefly from Elizabeth Bishop to ask, "which is
which?"), from Nunavut to the Isthmus of Panama to Tierra del Fuego,
from the first colonial settlements to the present. How do local,
endogenous languages, literatures and cultures survive in "new,"
colonial and post-colonial, exogenous literary productions? Are they
rekindled, translated, exploited, distorted, renewed? How do the
issues of migration, travel and rooted-ness influence this relationship
between pre- and postcolonial in the Americas? How has this
relationship influenced the quest to understand, map and shape the
region? Ezra Pound writes, in his Guide to Kulchur: "We do not know
the past in chronological sequence. It may be convenient to lay it out
anesthetized on the table with dates pasted on here and there, but what
we know we know by ripples and spirals eddying out from us and from our
time." Is this true of American literature at large, and to what
extent? Possible topics include, but are not limited to: interactions
between old and new seen or established by a specific author (Canadian,
American, American Indian, Latin American), traces of an old literature
or language in a new one, poetic representations of American hybridity,
literary exchanges provoked by travel in the Americas.

Inquiries should be sent to seminar chairs Magdalena Edwards at and/or Claire Gallou at

To submit an abstract, please complete the online form available at:

You can also follow the link to this form from the conference website. All
submissions must be sent to the conference organizers via the online form.
Your proposal will then be forwarded to the seminar chairs.

OFFICIAL DEADLINE: November 1st, 2006. Early submissions appreciated.

The above description as well as a link to the online submission form are
available directly at:


Claire Gallou
Visiting Assistant Professor
Modern Languages and Literatures (Box 46A)
College of the Holy Cross
One, College Street
Worcester, MA 01610

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Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:14:34 EDT