CFP: Jewish Hollywood (10/1/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

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The Jewish Studies Area of the Popular Culture Association is organizing at=20
least one panel on specifically evaluating the major influence of Jewish stu=
executives, producers, and directors in Hollywood for the 2007 conference of=
the ACA/PCA in Boston, Massachusetts, April 4-7, 2007.
Many of the =E2=80=9Cfounding fathers=E2=80=9D of Hollywood were Jewish busi=
nessmen who=20
became de facto film moguls. Among them were Samuel Goldwyn, David O. Selzn=
Louis B. Mayer, and the four Warner brothers -- Samuel, Albert, Harry, and (=
most famous) Jack. William Fox and Marcus Loew were theater chain founders.=
Irving Thalberg, Max Fleischer, and Adolph Zukor were film producers and=20
executives. Louis Milestone won the first Academy Award for Best Director,=20
beginning a long line of Oscar winning directors who are Jewish, including B=
Wilder, William Wyler, Michael Curtiz, Robert Wise, Joseph Mankiewicz, Stanl=
Kubrick, Mike Nichols, and Stephen Spielberg. =20
Presentation proposals should examine the impact on film popular culture by=20
the many Jewish creative personnel in Hollywood. Special attention may be p=
to the founding members of the Hollywood film system, such as Selznick,=20
Mayer, Warner, and Goldwyn. Another subject area may be the continuing crit=
of the film industry as =E2=80=9CJewish Hollywood,=E2=80=9D especially by co=
politicians against liberal or politically astute filmmakers.
Proposals should be approximately 250 words in length and must include your=20
mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
All proposals should be emailed to both the Area Chair and Associate Area=20
Chair. DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS. Please copy-and-paste your proposal into t=
email message.
Area Chair: Daniel Walden --
Associate Area Chair: Barbara Silliman --
Deadline for submissions: October 1, 2006

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Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:58:52 EDT