CFP: Review Americana (11/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture is
dedicated to publishing exceptional American Studies scholarship and
American creative writing.

With this second mission in mind, we invite submissions to our literary
publication, Review Americana.

Please visit the review at to see the
kind of material we are interested in publishing.

If you would like to submit to Review Americana: A Literary Journal, send an
explanatory email that includes your name, contact information, and
pertinent biographical details to Attach
your submission to that email.

Please conform to the following guidelines:

1) We consider poems, short stories, short plays, essays about creative
writing, and essays about the teaching of creative writing. (We do not
consider work that might be considered erotic, raw, or edgy. We are looking
for work that may one day be considered an American classic.)
2) We publish American writers writing in English.
3) We do not consider simultaneous submissions. If your work is under
consideration elsewhere, please do not submit it to us.
4) We do not consider multiple submissions. Please wait until you have heard
from us regarding your previous submission before you submit again. Poets
may submit up to four poems. Other authors should submit only one work. (We
will publish up to four works from a single author per edition.)
5) We only consider previously unpublished work.

All work submitted to Review Americana goes through the process of peer
review with our Advisory Board readers.

The deadline for the fall 2006 edition of the journal is 1 November 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:12:28 EDT