CFP: Romanticism & Psychiatry (2/1/07; journal issue)

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Miriam Wallace
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CFE- Special Issue of _History of Psychiatry_ on Anglo-European
Romanticism & Origins of Psychiatry (2/1/2007, 11/30/2007)

Call for papers

Special Issue of History of Psychiatry:
Anglo-European Romanticism and the origins of psychiatry

This special issue, to be published in late 2008, seeks to explore and
test the commonplace that the rise of psychiatry is chronologically
commensurate with European Romanticism. Towards this goal it inquires
whether the claim can hold up and, if so, under what specific
conditions. It invites broad, interdisciplinary approaches capable of
assessing the psychiatry, or its equivalents, of different historical
periods to make the case for, or against, Romanticism and the origins
of psychiatry. The Romanticism addressed is focused on the generations
from 1770 to 1830, and especially includes its literature and
philosophy. Papers on the wide role of such thinkers as Kant are
especially welcome, as are those on developments in depression,
hysteria and suicide. Self-contained studies of individual thinkers
(e.g., Burton, the early English psychiatrists, Pinel, Esquirol, Freud
and the Germans) or writers (e.g., Coleridge, Shelley, the German
nature philosophers) are not encouraged except insofar as they relate
to the larger comparative matter of origins and development.

Authors are invited to contribute papers of not more than 7000 words
inclusive of notes and references, and must be formatted in the
journal's house style. Scholars in all disciplines of the humanities
and sciences, including medicine and its history, are invited to submit
their proposals containing not more than 500 words describing their
approach to Professor George Rousseau at
by 1 February 2007. The deadline for finished contributions is 30
November 2007.

The Editor
History of Psychiatry

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:10:11 EDT