CFP: Studies in Language and Capitalism (ongoing; new e-journal)
First Issue: November 2006
John E Richardson, Loughborough University, UK,
Ian Roderick, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada,
Katie Weir, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Studies in Language and Capitalism is a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to promote and freely distribute interdisciplinary critical inquiries into the language and meaning of contemporary capitalism and the links between economic, social and linguistic change in the world around us. The journal is a project of the LNC Group listserv and stems from our shared concern regarding the global spread of new economic ideologies and specifically the way that neoliberals attempt to naturalise, and hence entrench, social, political and economic inequalities.
Studies in Language and Capitalism will publish substantial research articles, shorter pieces and commentary. The journal will bridge the false disciplinary boundaries erected between discourse analysis, linguistics, communications, political science, sociology, history, and other related fields. We welcome submissions not only from academics and researchers analysing language in use, but also activists in social movements who see language use as part of their concerns, journalists concerned with language and rhetoric, and social researchers in other fields where the politics of language is an issue.
Though language is foregrounded in our title, Studies in Language and Capitalism is equally interested in presenting research that addresses the roles which semiosis as a whole plays in making capitalism meaningful. Further, SLC will not limit itself to the economic field. We are also interested in publishing work that examines the ramifications of capitalism in fields such as culture, education, the mass media, politics (both national and international), public and civil society, and in relation to structured social inequalities on the basis of nationality, 'race', religion, gender and sexuality.
Possible areas of analysis include:
representations of scarcity and abundance
the state, governance and control
coercion, hegemony and pedagogy
dynamics of the public sphere
development, dependency and globalisation
historical and future conceptions of value
relationships between technology and social action
the restructuring of various public and private life domains including education, labour, healthcare and development
neo-feudalism and neo-corporatism
the War on Terror and the Long War
people's movements and socio-economic alternatives
and a wide range of other topics.
Studies in Language and Capitalism is seeking articles for the early issues of the journal. Longer articles should be no longer than 8,000 words and shorter articles no longer than 4,000 words. A primary concern of the journal is to provide open access to knowledge on a global basis. Therefore, SLC will accept previously published papers, or drafts and revisions thereof. Items previously published must still undergo the same peer review process as all other submissions and will not necessarily be accepted for publication by SLC. Please state if your submission has been previously published, where, and whether the paper is a draft, an update, or a piece you have permission to republish.
Submissions will be refereed by reviewers. All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 150 words and 5-10 keywords. The journal uses the Harvard system of referencing with the author's name and date in the text, and a full reference list in alphabetical order at the end of the article.
All submissions must be sent electronically as Microsoft Word documents to:
Forthcoming contributions include:
Robert de Beaugrande (Universitá del Litorale, Slovenia): Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Ideology, Methodology.
Panayota Gounari (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA): Contesting the Cynicism of Neoliberal Discourse: Moving Towards a Language of Possibility.
Peter Ives (University of Winnipeg, Canada): 'Global English': Linguistic Imperialism or Practical Lingua Franca?
Richard Jackson (University of Manchester, UK): Genealogy, Ideology, and Counter-Terrorism: Writing Wars on Terrorism from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush Jr.
Carmen Luke (University of Queensland, Australia): Eduscapes: Knowledge, Capital and Cultures
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:58:22 EDT