CFP: The Courage to Teach Language Arts (12/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Eodice, Michele A.
contact email: 


Winter 2007 Issue=20

Theme: The Courage to Teach Language Arts=20

Submission deadline for the winter issue: December 1, 2006


Kansas English is the state journal of the Kansas Association of
Teachers of English (KATE, a National Council
of Teachers of English affiliate. Articles, essays, research studies,
and revised conference presentations are welcome for the winter 2007
issue of Kansas English. Your work on the theme "the courage to teach
language arts" could include personal teaching stories, case studies,
and other creative accounts or empirical evidence. We especially invite
presenters at the Kansas Association of Teachers of English
conference-which has "The Courage to Teach" as its theme in October
2006-to submit articles revised from those presentations. =20



Over recent years, we have been attracted to the work of Parker Palmer,
a traveling teacher and senior advisor to the Fetzer Institute, for whom
he designed the Teacher Formation Program for K-12 teachers. For
Palmer, connecting who we are with what we do is essential; he helps
teachers renew their passion for teaching by helping us recognize that
"self-knowledge" is key to expressing our deeper goals for students and
learning. =20


In his book, The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a
Teacher's Life, Palmer asks: How can the teacher's selfhood become a
legitimate topic in education and in our public dialogues on educational
reform? We challenge you to explore Palmer's question: Who is the self
that teaches? We ask you to examine your teaching life, identify
courageous acts, and be willing to share your passion, spirituality, and
leadership through an article for our readers. =20


Submission Requirements

We welcome submissions from English teachers from all over the Wheat
State, from all cultures and backgrounds, and from those who teach at
any grade level from pre- Kindergarten through Graduate school. We
invite various forms of writing, including essays, research articles,
book reviews, interviews and poetry. Poetry submitted in the past to
this publication has proven to be some of the finest contemporary poetic
work written by English teachers. It is our desire to continue
publishing more of the same.=20


Please format your submission in MLA style and check citation
information (dates, page numbers, and other details) carefully. Most
current handbooks contain the guidelines you need for MLA, but the MLA
Handbook is, of course, the final authority. Inquiries and submissions
may be sent via email to one or both of the editors:=20


Kami Day

Johnson County Community College

Michele Eodice

University of Oklahoma

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:10:28 EDT
