CFP: Video Games, Other Electronic Media and Neomedievalism (9/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)
CFP: Video Games, Other Electronic Media and Neomedievalism at Kalamazoo
(Deadline 9/15/06)
Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization (MEMO)
I. Cartulae Ludi: Maps, Territories, and Space in Neomedieval Universes
This session will explore concepts of space ? especially through mapping or
marking of territory, in the construction of neomedieval universes.
Neomedievalist texts, whether in the form of novels, films, television
productions, musical drama, or video games, play with concepts of territory
? geographical and conceptual?often employing complex mapping or tacking
techniques, or creating alternative, non-real "spaces" for their characters
to inhabit. Papers examining any aspect of mapping, cartography, spatial
analysis, or geography in neomedieval texts are encouraged.
II. Medieval Video Gaming: A Workshop
Explorations of pedagogical, historical and literary implications of
playing an a neomedievalist universe. We will consider proposals for games
and how to lead this workshop.
Please submit proposals by September 15:
Carol L. Robinson
117 Avon Court
Ravenna, OH 44266
Phone: (wk) 330-675-8907; (hm) 330-671-1062
Fax: 330-675-8878
E-mail: clrobins_at_kent.eduWeb site:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 17:13:24 EDT