CFP: FemTAP 2.1: Race, Gender, and Social Justice (11/6/06; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ime Kerlee
contact email: 

Submission Guidelines: email attachment only to; Chicago manual style w/limited endnotes;
full guidelines at

  In the recent past we have seen an increase in violence
against communities of color and LGBTQ communities, some
televised and others completely ignored by mainstream
media. We have also witnessed a conservative backlash
against models that embrace intersectional analysis and a
critical look at privilege from all sectors. Yet, we
believe feminist models are uniquely capable of addressing
increasing inequities, particularly those models that
argue that we must put the most oppressed women at the
center of our analysis (see Smith 2006, Brenner 1998,
Anzaldua 1984, etc.). As such, FemTAP is accepting
submissions that critically engage models, methods,
theories, and practices of feminist social justice that
highlight race, gender, class, and sexuality as co-equal.
All essays should include intersectional analysis
including the critical interrogation of whiteness,
heterosexuality, and/or class privilege where applicable.
 We are particularly interested in grounded studies and
ethnographic essays but accept essays from a feminist
perspective across disciplines.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. A feminist response to un/natural disasters: Katrina,
mining on indigenous lands, environmental degradation and
environmental racism, etc.

2. reproductive justice in communities of color, working
class and LBT communities of all colors - we are
particularly interested in responses to sterilization
projects that target poor women, incarcerated women, etc.,
holistic projects that seek to deal with
multiple-intersecting issues, any feminist organizing
around transgendered and same-sex parenting rights or
reproductive justice, and scientific examinations of the
impact of use and/or research on NRTs for women of color,
working class women of all colors, and LBT women of all
3. Rural feminisms: rural vs. urban queer organizing,
rural women's organizing as specific and generalizable,
rural feminists' responses to poverty, etc.

4. alternative spaces: women of color and LBT women of all
colors resource centers, women of color and/or LBT women
of all colors grassroots organizing, LBT women of all
colors and/or women of color organizations or
retreat-conferences as alternative feminist visions,
artist collectives, etc.

5. Historical essays - examination of "unknown" or
unwritten histories of women of color, LBT women of all
colors, and/or poor women's organizing

6. Models and methods: successful cross-cultural and/or
cross-class feminist organization models, successful
trans-feminist organizing, successful rural-urban
organizing, etc.

7. confronting current issues impacting women of color,
LBT women of all colors, and/or poor women of all colors -
urban renewal, funding collectives, food collectives,
welfare reform programs, parenting students organizations,
police and/or court watch programs, housing safety and
security programs, programs confronting the rise in hate
crimes, etc.
8. academia - the impact feminists of color, working class
feminists of all colors, LBT feminists of all colors on
policy, curriculum, and organizing (please note the summer
edition is on pedagogy so pedagogy essays will be given
the least importance in review ranking for this edition
but will *still* be considered; if we believe your essay
would be more appropriate for the summer edition we will
advise you)
that examine what is or can be meant by "feminist social
justice," praxis essays that examine the meaning of
"feminist social justice" and the means by which to
actualize it in feminist practice.
We accept essays from graduate students, PhDs, and
community scholars. For full guidelines, review policies,
etc. see appropriate links on website.
Editorial Board:
Erika Feigenbaum, PhD (feminist philosophy)
Ime Kerlee, PhD (Women's Studies)
Annette Rodriguez (American Studies)
Questions contact: (answers will come from
entire board; most questions answered on website

Dr. Ime Kerlee, Women Studies Program
1 University of New Mexico/MSC06 3900
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001
Phone: (505) 277-3467 office: MVH 2136

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Received on Sat Sep 09 2006 - 10:53:42 EDT